Task 5.2 "Critical Thinking: The Soul of Communication"

Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing and evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief an action.

Critical Thinking is the driver of effective communication. I feel that there are great benefits and positive impacts that communication and critical thinking can have on a leadership role at a workplace. By being a critical thinker, we are able to have better communication between our colleagues at work, especially when needing to lead a team.

Critical thinking enables us to understand the impact of our every decision made and ensures that the decisions we make are logical and aligns with the organizational goals and accountability for results. Therefore, being able to think critically before every decision we make is crucial in impacting the workplace as a leader.


  1. Thanks for this. Indeed, it is a well-focused response to the prompt. Do remember though, Kriston, that when you use direct quotes of any outside source, you must cite that source. We will address this topic -- citing sources -- in Unit 4.


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